Monday, September 16, 2013

Getting started

So this is about the tenth blog I've started, and its very possible that this one will also face the fate of the others, which is to say, it may disappear only to be never heard from again.  Hopefully since this has a purpose (keeping my ever growing list of wedding crap somewhat organized in one place) and an ending point (our wedding next September) maybe I'll actually be able to make use of this.  I like to read the blogs of others, and I like to write, so it's possible this might be useful.

As long as we're talking about blogs not getting utilized, can I state here that I hate to read someone's blog only to see that every post starts with a sheepish "Wow has it really BEEN that long since I blogged here! Life has been so busy!" Shut up, stop apologizing, you don't owe us anything, least of all a blog post.  So if I end up not using this you'll just have to find entertainment elsewhere.

You've probably gathered (if you don't know me or aren't related to me, which since you're reading this, is unlikely) that I'm getting married next year, and i'm not ashamed to say, it's going to be one hell of a party.  SO much time and so many details and Pinteresting and group texts with my mom and sisters about colors and accents. I am planning the hell out of this wedding and enjoying every freaking second of it.

Now, before I get any "it's the marriage that matters, not the wedding, blah blah" you can save it, I'm 35, this isn't my first rodeo, we're doing all sorts of stuff to nurture our relationship, and at the end of the day, the thing I'm most excited about is spending forever with the most fantastic man I've ever known. (Aside from my dad of course, which goes without saying, but let's face it, he sets a pretty high standard.) So have no fear, stranger, we've got our shit straight. But in between now and forever, a year from this past Friday, there will be a day when I get to throw the most rocking party for the most rocking family and friends (ours, obviously) and when that day comes, we are all going to look awesome, and the food will be awesome, and the table decor and the crap hanging on the walls and the canoe full of beer will be AWESOME.  And then we'll ride away into our awesome married life.

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